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HaloVerb is a stereo to stereo reverb that can be used as a send processor or an inline processor. This version of HaloVerb is optimized for use on the 2d Card, and will run at all sample rates. The 2d card will support up to 2 instances of HaloVerb (limited by memory requirements).
Room Size [65, 99] M
Sets the effective size of the room; can also be thought of as Reverb Time. Larger numbers make the room bigger and the reverb time longer.

Decay [0, 100] %
Sets the damping of the regenerative filters of the room. Larger values roll the high–end off faster.

Reverb dB [-inf, 9.54243] dB
Sets the level of the reverb signal mixed into the output.

Direct dB [-inf, 9.54243] dB
Sets the level of the direct (dry) signal mixed into the output.

Width [0, 100] %
Controls how “Stereo” the output of the reverb is. Setting this to 0 will generate a mono reverb output. Setting this to 100 will provide maximally stereo reverb output.

Diffusion [0, 1] %
Controls how much diffusion is applied to reverberant field.

PreDelay [0, 45] ms
Sets how much delay (in milliseconds) is applied to the reverb signal before it is mixed in with the dry signal.

Cutoff [20, 20k] Hz
Sets the cutoff frequency (in Hz) of the high-end contouring filter.

HiDamp [-40, 0] dB
Sets the gain (in dB) of the the high-end contouring filter.

Master Bypass {On, Off}
When bypassed, the reverb passes the input through un-touched.

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