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Process Name:
MIO SNL(4) Map
4th Order Symmetrical Nonlinear Map
Process Types:
Distortion, Building Blocks
MIO SNL(4) Map applies a symmertrized version of the nonlinear map specified by the parameters. This means that the applied non-linearity has the same relative polarity to the input signal polarity. You can use this to apply a non-linearity that always reduces the amplitude of the input signal, whether the input is positive or negative.

The non-linearity generated by this symmeterized map generates high-order odd harmonics for the even order terms, and low-order odd harmonics for the odd order terms.

x^1 [-4, 4]
Sets the coefficient of the linear term of the map.

x^2 [-4, 4]
Sets the coefficient of the quadratic term of the map.

x^3 [-4, 4]
Sets the coefficient of the cubic term of the map.

x^4 [-4, 4]
Sets the coefficient of the quartic term of the map.

Master Gain [-4, 4]
Sets the overall gain of the output post mapping.

Master Bypass {On, Off}
When enabled, bypasses the process so that the output is the same as the input.

See also:
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